A project of Parnassah Network.
Starting October 28th: 'Success in Business Teleconference Series' for female entrepreneurs.
We've created a way to educate and support female entrepreneurs like you in the most effective and easy way possible. Wherever you live or whatever your schedule looks like, this series is an accesible way to learn, network and gain insight to better run your business. And all from the convenience of your own office.
Led by Estie Rand, business consultant at Strand Consulting, this series will empower established business owners with soft business skills, give them the support they need and enhance the overall running of their business.
Following the resounding success of this series in Israel run through Temech, Estie will be offering a 12 month teleconference series for established female business owners all over the world.
The course will cover the following critical skills:
Goal settings
Interpersonal communications
Dealing with difficult clients and customers
Avoiding emotionality in business
Creating good partnerships
Hiring Employees
Defining employee roles
Maximizing your time in work
Balance between work and personal life
The series will include a monthly one hour teleconference training and will run for 12 months, beginning October 2015 and continuing through September 2016. We already have a fantastic group of entrepreneurs signed up already. These women own succesful businesses in fields including retail, marketing, consulting, coaching, real estate, and technology.
Thanks to a subsidy we are offering, the series (valued at $600) will be available for only $200.
Participants in the program will receive access to 12 teleconference trainings (1 hour each) as well as exclusive online access to group discussions and support. Group discussion, to be moderated by Estie, will allow participants to exchange ideas and help one another.
Women In The Workforce is divison of the OJC (Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce and the Parnassah Network.
Have more questions? Estie has answered them for you below:
1. Why should I bother joining this series if I can find free resources online or read books?
This series is customized specifically to the female Jewish entrepreneur. There are not many free
resources or books about that! It is also a support network and geared towards your business and your
lifestyle. Additionally, it brings you into part of a community which takes away some of the loneliness of
running your own business .
2. Is this course right for people who are starting a business or those already established?
This is right for anyone who has been running a business for at least a few weeks and not good for
someone in the idea stage. You need to have at least one client or customer to understand what it
means to have a client or customer, as this is a lot of what we will be talking about. You can be
established for a few weeks to a month, or for ten to fifteen years, you will still benefit from it.
3. What industries do you have experience consulting with?
I have consulted with businesses in many different industries such as: clothing (retail and wholesale),
accessory design and other types of handiwork and crafting, internet sales (wholesale & retail), amazon
webstore, graphic design, photography, artistry, health & fitness, travel & tourism, all different therapies,
non-profit management, food services including catering and food retail, real estate, general brokerage
and more.
4. What kind of topics will be covered in the course?
This course is covering what we call "soft business skills". Topics include how to focus, goal-setting,
work/life balance, leadership, managing people, hiring, having confidence in your pricing, dealing with
difficult clients or customers, time management, and more!
5. How will the group communicate with each other?
We will have either a closed WhatsApp group or closed Facebook group depending on the group's
preference. It will be moderated by both Tova from Women in the Workforce and myself.
6. Will I get to present my own business dilemmas to the group?
Yes. There will be communication in the WhatsApp group where you can discuss personal business
dilemma’s with the group. Additionally, in the mentoring sessions themselves you can send me emails or
texts in advance or throughout the meeting and I will use your personal examples when speaking.
7. What format will the teleconference be?
It will be a one hour meeting. The first 45 minutes will be the presentation and the last 15 minutes will be
spent answering questions that were asked between the previous session and the current one, or that
were submitted throughout the session via email or text.
8. What types of businesses is this group for?
It is for small businesses run by Jewish women, anywhere from a solopreneur with no employees, to
someone with up to 20 employees, pulling in under $1 million a year. It can be a business from home,
from an office or from a storefront, owned by an individual, partnership or group. We are not focusing on
corporate businesses at this time.
For more info contact us at info@womeninworkforce.com