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What We're All About

Working women continue to blend roles and expectations, conflict and coordination, balance and fulfillment in their many obligations. For frum women, the challenge can be even greater.

As the Parnassah Network grew to encompass all of the Parnassah needs of Klal Yisroel, it became apparent that a division was necessary to cater exclusively to women, speaking directly to their unique position and challenges.

The Women In The Workforce division, coordinated by Tova Herskovitz, LSW, strives to meet the needs of working women at every stage of their career. From fresh seminary graduates to accomplished CEO’s seeking similarly successful frum women with whom to network, to talented mothers who have taken a hiatus from the working world to raise their growing families, Women in the Workforce offers a high level of support and professional education for every woman.

At the core of WIW is an executive committee of women successful in their respective fields. These professionals in fields such as law, media, accounting, nonprofits, consulting and more give up of their time and expertise to shape the direction of the organization in a manner that would prove beneficial to Jewish women everywhere.

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